Thursday 2 September 2021

Schoolgirl wants to grow up to become someone like Indrani Mukerjea

Teacher: Who is your 'role model'? 

Girl: Ma'am, Indrani Mukerjea!
Teacher : (Shocked)  Why? 

Girl: See Ma'am,  Abdul Kalam passed away - no debate.
Sania won Wimbledon - 10 minutes coverage.
 4/5 toppers in IAS are women - do we even know? 
Indian women hockey team got entry in Olympics after 20 years - have we ever heard? 
Have we ever seen any interview from  Indra Nooyi, Chanda Kochchar, Shikha Sharma .... ???
Look at Indrani Mukerjea. Inch by inch they are covering, how much struggle she had, how ambitious she is, how beautiful she looks .... how many husbands she had ... what companies she had ... I am inspired by what  I see on TV. 
Ma'am I want to become full cover story like Indrani Mukerjea! 

* Laugh Aloud 

(Repost from own Facebook wallpost dated 2015-09-03) 

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